Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Borneo Island In The Sky

Most people said that I am unqualified to be a Kuching citizen! You kno why? As I am not good in recognize the road ways in Kuching. The most possibly reason is that I am not driving and only be a passenger in the past (I don't have the driving licence until end of year 2oo7). So my role sitting in a car is not as a navigator, but just a passenger who likes to look around through the car window---I look at the buildings, vehicles, peoples, trees, flowers and anything along the road side, also never forget to look into the blue blue sky......

I drive now, everything seem remain the same, I still like to keep looking around when sitting in a running car. May be the only change is that I have to shorten the time I staring on an object, no choice because of the rule on the road is "drive safely & drive smartly"!

Keep looking around, so I wont miss any wonderful scene which only appear once like the "Chipmore Cookies"~~~"Now You See, Now You Don't!"......just like the scene as shown in the pictures above. What do you see? Can't tell? Then you must be failed in Geography paper during secondary school.....^_^

A cloud look like the image of the Borneo Island in the map is appeared in the sky...i wonder is it the heaven of us, the residents of Borneo Island, after we die? How nice it would be if I am living on an island which is floating in the air, flying in the sky? Ya, can you imagine, I can then flying without wings!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time Flies......!

Time flies!

Do you realize that March will over and April will come very soon in less than a week time? Ya, 3 months already...I still fail to get a new job. I have submitted so many resumes (CV) to those potential companies, but so far only got one reply and have been called for 2nd interview on 10 March......no hope, I failed I guess? As I have SMS & sent in the belated "Thank You" letter to the two interviewers, up to date no reply! Should I call in ask for an answer?

While I'm busy with job hunting in Kuching, Fern busy with her works in Miri. Even though we do contact each other closely via phone call, MSN or Skype everyday...she keep saying that she miss me like crazy, whenever she saw a dating couple; she is lonely, no one accompany her for a window shopping, for a badminton game and etc. I miss her very much too......

Well, I will go to Miri to meet my love one tomorrow night by bus express. Then will bring her back to Kuching on 2 April (don't think too much please)...as we will fly from Kuching International Airport to Changi Airport, Singapore at 5:00p.m on 3 April 09 in Tiger Airways This is our 2nd oversea traveling trip (supposely 3rd, if include the Brunei in the list)......

Photo grabbed from Uniquely Singapore

This is 5D4N trip (3/4 - 7/4, roughly 3.5 useablle days) , we will stay with my younger brother who works in Singapore, so we certainly can save lots of money on the accommodation (hotel room). I'm so excited, awaiting these days to come impatiently...... ^_^

Thursday, March 19, 2009

爱说话 vs 会说话

林伟贤著作《点醒》其中一章"爱说话 vs 会说话"的读后感:


无可否认的,我们身边的人,多数是爱说话的,会说话的并不多......我们都爱说话,尤其是讲人是非几乎是我们的天分。这也证明了一点,那就是很多人都是吃饱没事做,爱管他人的事情! 其实我们也不是真的很闲空,奇怪的是我们可以忙里偷闲来"八"不关己的事,却没空做自己该做的事?

以前工作的时候,也遇到了不少爱说话的人。他们原本是来检验血液的,但有的却跟我谈起了很多关于他们家里的是非,有的没完没了的谈论他们旅游的趣事......他们的想象力还真好,何以可将验血和这些事物扯上关系,把它搬出来讲呢? e_e'''

这是糟糕的、要不得的! 你或许会发现我较偏向于"独行侠"那种的,喜欢亲力亲为的......个性独立原本是件好事,但现今的社会强调团队,也就是说 "You must able to work independently & must be a good team player at the same time!" 所以我还需进一步调整我的步伐,迈向团队! 不得不如此,"人脉"="钱脉"呀!

卡耐基 (Dale Carnegie) 也提到,要成为一个受欢迎的人,你一定要"会说话",而不是"爱说话":
1. 做一个好的听众,在适当的时间给于适当的反应,最简单的不过的 "a","e","i","o","u" ,你不可能不会吧?
2. 少提自己兴趣的,应多提他们在意的。毕竟多数人都以自己(我)为中心嘛,谁要知道你"uncle"和"aunty"的事情,除非是些"八卦琐事"或"闲言闲语"吧! 但别忘了,这可不是"会说话"的人会谈及的话题吔。
3. 尽量什么都知一点点啦来应付不同形色的人,不然没话题难沟通! 但要做到无所不知可不简单,所以不用勉强,改为多问就行了。这一来让他人谈得开心,二来自己也能从中学习啊!

那你是个"爱说话"还是"会说话"的人呢? 或许你想说,"人话"、"鬼话"、"笑话"、"谎话"、"脏话"、和"废话",你样样行吧? 那由你去吧...... ^_^

Monday, March 16, 2009

想要 vs 需要

林伟贤著作《点醒》其中一章"想要 vs 需要"的读后感:
说真的,我们想要的东西真的很多,十支手指加上十支脚趾恐怕也不够点算呢! 我们有时甚至糊涂了,搞不清有些东西是想要的还是需要的......我想不管是男是女,都是一个模样的吧?

很多人认为男人想要的不如女人的多,但我个人就不能100%肯定这一点了; 因为有数据显示: 女人言行举止较直率,男人则较爱转弯抹角! 女的想要什么,就会大大方方的讲再大大方方的做; 而男的想要什么,通常偷偷摸摸的想再暗地里的去做吧! 一个在明,一个在暗,那你说是谁的"想要"比较容易点算呢?

不过,数据归数据,有时候女的"想要欲"和"购物欲"还真的强到能让男的眼睛可以睁大到比原来的大一倍哦! (可能是我们男的没见过大场面呱?) 也能让一个有耐性的男人变得烦躁起来吔! (可能是我们男的修养不够吧?)

当陪你们去SHOPPING时,偶尔会觉得很为难......尤其是在你们逛得、看得,买得很开心时,真的不知是否该向你们喊停了? 更为难的嘛,就是你们说你们会自己付钱的时候咯......! e_e'''

但当理性战胜了感性的时候,我们还是会毫不犹疑的去劝阻不必要的"想要"的......不是我们的钱大得像牛车轮,而是我们的钱根本就没那么大阿! 也不是我们不够钱,而是我们本来就没那么大笔钱呀! e_<

啊女人呀女人呀......你懂不懂"想要"和"需要"的分别? 不懂就让我告诉你吧:


Friday, March 13, 2009

自大 vs 自卑

读了林伟贤著作《点醒》的其中一章"自大vs 自卑"的理解与感言:
我想做人做事,有时还是抱着做到"适可而止"的心态比较好吧,即处在"中立"的位置, 不多不少刚刚好! 不是吗? 就看看这两个简单的对比吧:
1. 自卑〉自信〉自大 - 不够自信叫自卑,过度自信叫自大!
2. 消极〉积极〉冲动 - 不够积极叫消极,过度积极叫冲动!

我个人认为自大比自卑更可怕! 因为自大的人通常都是有着目中无人、自以为是和唯我独尊的态度的,所以要与自大的人沟通,有一定的难度;就算说了教了,他也未必会听会领情。而自卑的人,我想只要不断的给于鼓励,并处旁协助,要他站起来时有望的。 无论是自大还是自卑的人,能不能学好学乖都得看各人的心态、思想与造化吧!
这一章也让我想起了一个猜字谜语: "自大一点"。 答案是"臭"......所以自大的人名声一定很臭吧! 还有一点我是能够肯定的,我一定不"臭",因为我的位置较偏向于自卑嘛......:p 不过比起已往,我有自信多了,可能是书籍读多了的缘故吧! 人本来就要不断学习,有所启发,有所行动吧! 不然就像人们所说的,参加激励课程总会有的结论: 上课时十分激动,回家时左右晃动,到家时一动不动!
唉! 做人难啊! 你不也这样认为吗? 做多了本分,人家说你假会;做得刚刚好,人家说你计较;做少过应有,人家说你偷懒!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

太阳 vs 月亮


积极的人向太阳,照到哪里那里亮; 消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样。
读了林伟贤著作《点醒》的其中一章"太阳 vs 月亮"的见解与感言:
积极的人,做起事来有自信有干劲有耐性,不敷衍不随便也不拖延; 只要是想做的事,都会以相等的热心和努力去执行并完成,步步逼近成功的边沿!
消极的人,做起事来不是有心无力就是有力无心,言行举棋不定; 怕失败多借口,这不能那不行,未老先衰在所难免,终究会将自己推向死亡的边沿!
那就选择做个简单的太阳人吧~~~何时何地,人带热情面带笑容,尽可能为他人带来喜悦与欢笑; 而别做个月亮人,天天"大姨妈"到访,过于情绪化,伤身还伤感情!(月亮代表我的心! Hmm...这又意味着什么呢?真是耐人寻味啊...)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

聪明 vs 智慧


若要有出头天,就别一味做“跟屁虫”,别人做什么你也做什么; 当然你也可以做到别人所做的,只是功夫到不到家就不得而知了。 所以在做任何事之前,有必要先弄懂其中的道理和奥妙,这才能做得微巧微妙啊!
就好比人人都懂什么是弹钢琴,但并不是人人都懂怎样弹钢琴......所以请做个有智慧的聪明人吧......唉!学习的路无止境,要学的人生哲学永远学不完! 我要无时无地边看便听边学边想边做边复习!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is a Proud or Is a Crisis?

I observe, I listen, I learn, and I blog but I normally not judge...
As a Chinese, how is your feeling when noticed that now a day more and more non-Chinese (Bumi) are learning your mother language, Mandarin? Instead of feeling proud, sometime we should be more alert & realize the real situation we are into......what more you are living in a country with so many races and the "racial discrimination" can't be avoided?
We are living in a society which is a little unfair to us in many aspects, for an example, the education system (existence of intake quota for IPTA)! We must preserve at least one advantage against other people in order to keep survive long; which failed, we will be in a disadvantageous position, ours life will be more challenging & suffering......
The current situation is that the government claimed that we are not interested in the government sector jobs, e.g becoming a civil servant, policeman, soldier......etc, while it is not! The reality is that we have tried, problem is we have limited chance to get an interview and have high chance to be dropped after an interview!
Can you imagine how horrible it would be if more and more non-Chinese able to speak a fluent Mandarin & write a good Mandarin article(s)? Can you imagine how embarrass it would be if one day in the future, a non-Chinese teacher is teaching your offspring the Mandarin subject in a class or school? So can you now imagine how disadvantageous it would be if we are not the only one who able to speak additional language i.e Mandarin besides Malay and English?
Yes, your and your offspring's effort to join in the government sector which recently has better offer will be tough and tough. Government sector is no more your cup of tea and you will need to try harder to enjoy this piece of cake......
So what do you think? Mind to share your opinion(s)?