Friday, September 21, 2007

HONDA’s Sumatra Rhino Rescue Project


According to WWF-Malaysia, the Sumatra Rhino is the smallest Rhino species which critically endangered due to hunting activities & habitat fragmentation. These species mainly found in Sumatra (Indonesia), Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah (Malaysia), and possibly in Thailand. It is believed that not more than 300 individuals left in the world, and estimated about 30 in Sabah.
The “Rhino Rescue” Project is initiated by Honda Malaysia & WWF-Malaysia. As a main funder, Honda Malaysia has pledged a contribution of RM5 million to WWF-Malaysia to success & strengthen the Sumatra Rhino conservation efforts.
Then, what can you do & how can you help in this project? The most simple way would be help to braodcast this piece of information by either write something on the “Honda Sumatra Rhino Rescue Project” or place a project logo in your website or blog, so it can reachs your readers or traffics, and have them to duplicate your work (this is what we called monkey see, monkey do…hehe...).
To get the embed code for Rhino logo, please head down to this link. If you think you can do more for Rhino Rescue Project or need more informations, please head down to &

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